Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evaluate the reasons for the recent global financial crisis. ( Banking Essay

Evaluate the reasons for the recent global financial crisis. ( Banking and Finance Moudle) - Essay Example The recent global economic crisis has been labelled by economists as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and the domino effect of the crisis has culminated in the decline of consumer spending, demise of established businesses in key industry sectors and heightened government burden in developed countries (United Nations, 2009 p.1). Indeed, in the United Nations’ â€Å"Global Outlook: Economic Situation and Prospects 2009†, the United Nations comments that â€Å"it was never meant to happen again, but the world economy is now mired in a severe financial crisis since the Great Depression† (United Nations, 2009, p.1). Moreover, the global nature of the economic crisis has not only had a domino impact on national economies, infrastructure and the retail sector; it has also served as a barrier to quick recovery (Shiller, 2008). In evaluating the causal triggers and reasons for the recent economic crisis, this paper will evaluate the concept of financi al crisis with contextual reference to the current global economic crisis with contextual reference to various academic commentary and discourse pertaining to the reasons for the economic meltdown of 2008. ... Academic and media commentary on the crisis has highlighted the point that the immediate trigger was the collapse of the US housing market as a result of the sub prime market disaster upon which the international banking industry had been lending through following trends in the housing market (Ambachtshee et al 2008, p.149). Indeed, the United Nations analysis of the global outlook for 2009 asserted that â€Å"in little over a year, the mid-2007 sub-prime mortgage debacle in the United States of America has developed into a global financial crisis and started to move the global economy into a recession† (United Nations, 2009 p.1). Furthermore, in considering the interrelationship between the sub-prime crisis and the economic crisis, the contagion effects of sub-prime asset backed collateralized debt obligations are reinforced by results of the empirical investigation undertaken by Longstaff in â€Å"The Subprime Credit Crisis and Contagion in financial markets† (2010). Longstaff utilised data for ABX subprime indexes and found evidence of correlation between financial contagion and the subprime liquidity channels (Longstaff, 2010). However, whilst Longstaff acknowledges that the concomitant impact of the subprime crisis clearly had a direct correlation to contagion effects on other markets; Longstaff’s analysis of the data in his investigation suggests that: â€Å"The ABC Index returns forecast stock returns and Treasury and Corporate bond yield changes by as much as three weeks ahead during the subprime crisis† (Longstaff, 2010). To this end, the findings of Longstaff’s analysis undermine the presumption in pre-existing commentary which argued that the subprime assets were intrinsically flawed and unreliable (Longstaff, 2010). Moreover, Longstaff argues that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Money Is Not Everything Case Essay Example for Free

Money Is Not Everything Case Essay 1. According to C.S. Lewis there are three things morality is concerned about , what are those things? Explain each one. Morality, then, seems to be concerned with three things. First, with fair play and harmony between individuals. Second, with what might be called tidying up or harmonizing the things inside each individual. Third, with the general purpose of human life as a whole: what man was made for: what course the whole fleet ought to be one: what tune the conductor of the band wants it to play a. Personal – What’s the use of thinking and just drawing up rules if we don’t think that the courage and unselfishness of individuals is ever going to make any system work b. Communal – Kindness and fair play between nation, classes and individuals c. Purpose – the thinking that every individual lives on forever. This means that we are more valuable than anything in the world which will come to an end. 2. What are the 4 Cardinal Virtues? (Give a definition of cardinal and each of the virtues)? Cardinal virtues are virtues which are common to all people, Christian or not. It is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘the hinge of a door’ because they are pivotal d. Prudence – practical common sense; harmless as doves but also as wise as serpents e. Temperance – putting a limit to one’s â€Å"addictions† f. Justice – â€Å"fairness† g. Fortitude – 2 kinds of courage, faces danger and sticks it under pain; guts 3. What does it mean for commitment to be â€Å"elusive?† Breaking a commitment for a â€Å"higher† commitment; Breaking a commitment is considered bad by society; the less you think about your commitment, the deeper it is 4. What is the meaning of the statement â€Å"Commitment is a choice and a promise?† And how does it relate to freedom? Though we have a choice, people allow themselves to be afflicted with the voluntary slavery of indetermination. The promise is a particular kind of choice. Unlike every other choice we make, what is unique about a promise is that it describes something we intend to do in the future, whereas any other choice is a formal determination about the present. By giving my word, I am assuming an obligation, but I do more than that. I yield to another, or others, a claim over myself by creating an expectation in them concerning what I say I will do for them. Since we are given choices, it means that we have freedom. As more choices are given to us, we feel that there is more freedom. Also, choosing a commitment means that you are doing what you want. You would never deliberately choose something that you don’t want. In the end, you will feel more free with your commitment because you are doing something that you like doing. 5. Explain the meaning of conscience having both a subjective and objective aspect. Subjective: It is ours, we are responsible for how we decide Objective: it transcends our individualistic, private notions and â€Å"bind† us, calling us ur of ourselves into relation with others and before God 6. What is the difference of â€Å"fear conscience and philosophical-ethical conscience?† Fear conscience: â€Å"Baka mahuli ako† Philosophical: â€Å"Hindi magandang magnakaw† 7. What are the two axial commitments according to Haughey? Explain at least one of them? (note: you can decide just to give one or two examples for each axial commitment) h. The first is the commitment of God to His Son i. Self-donation as a general description 1. I am not growing this relationship. Should I end it? 2. Is self-donation opposed to freedom? ii. Complete commitment to the other in love is at the heart and core of the internal life of God Himself iii. Commitment is an essential part of existence iv. Commitment generates communion v. Commitment is compatible to freedom (self-donation) i. The other is Jesus’ commitment vi. Commitment is a process (Not a single act) vii. Commitment is motivated by love 3. Love one another as I have loved you viii. Commitment is about communion 4. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love ix. Commitment has a clear direction 5. No one comes to the Father except through me x. Commitment involves freedom 6. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord 8. What does it mean for Jesus’ commitment to be totally free? j. For this reason, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father. 9. What is the meaning of this statement, â€Å"The purity of the commitment means you dont just make it, you yield to it—(freely, gladly made)†? 10. What is the meaning of this statement, â€Å"The commitment that is rooted in mutual presence of oneself and God more likely will be preserved?†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of the Movie, Double Impact Essay -- Movie Film Essays

An Analysis of the Movie, Double Impact The movie opens twenty-five years ago in Hong Kong. The parents of two twin babies, Alex and Chad, had borrowed money from Raymond Zhang and Nigel Griffith, two lead smugglers. They needed the money in order to build a tunnel between Hong Kong and the mainland. After the tunnel was built and the money collected, Nigel Griffith and Raymond Zhang had a gang of hit men massacre Alex and Chad's family. Frank Avery, a friend of the family, races into the scene and finds the parents already dead. The two babies are in the back seat with a maid. She takes Alex and flees the scene. Frank sees Chad left behind and takes him and runs. Twenty-five years after these events we find Frank Avery, who is played by Geoffrey Lewis, has raised Chad as his own kid. They own a gym in Los Angelos. Frank has been trying to locate the other brother for the past twenty-five years and has finally found his whereabouts in Hong Kong, working for Raymond Zhang, played by Philip Chan Yan Kin, and Nigel Griffith, pla... An Analysis of the Movie, Double Impact Essay -- Movie Film Essays An Analysis of the Movie, Double Impact The movie opens twenty-five years ago in Hong Kong. The parents of two twin babies, Alex and Chad, had borrowed money from Raymond Zhang and Nigel Griffith, two lead smugglers. They needed the money in order to build a tunnel between Hong Kong and the mainland. After the tunnel was built and the money collected, Nigel Griffith and Raymond Zhang had a gang of hit men massacre Alex and Chad's family. Frank Avery, a friend of the family, races into the scene and finds the parents already dead. The two babies are in the back seat with a maid. She takes Alex and flees the scene. Frank sees Chad left behind and takes him and runs. Twenty-five years after these events we find Frank Avery, who is played by Geoffrey Lewis, has raised Chad as his own kid. They own a gym in Los Angelos. Frank has been trying to locate the other brother for the past twenty-five years and has finally found his whereabouts in Hong Kong, working for Raymond Zhang, played by Philip Chan Yan Kin, and Nigel Griffith, pla...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essays --

Gilgamesh (needs better title) Kyle Frum Experience is an important part of being an epic hero. This quality allows someone to succeed where others will always fail. Gilgamesh displays far more experience and knowledge than Sundiata, thus making him a better hero. He displays 3 main qualities that show he has experience. He is far more powerful and influential at the beginning of the story, he has more success in his early adventures, and (((((???))))). "Epic" heroes such as Sundiata simply cannot compete with someone like Gilgamesh. He is already a strong, powerful king when Sundiata is crawling around on all fours. The first page in Gilgamesh already shows his power. It states "a goddess made him, [Gilgamesh] strong as a savage bull." However, strength is not all he has. Gilgamesh is the king of Uruk, proven by the text, "Gilgamesh the king." This is a very good position, as Uruk is a powerful and large city, and "in Uruk he [Gilgamesh] built walls, a great rampart." This proves that he must have done many great deeds. A final clear indicator of Sundiata's early weakness is the f...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Imposing the Minimum Wages

Minimum wage is the least amount of pay that a person receives for the job that he/she performs. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $5.50. A job that pay†s minimum wage offers little or no opportunity for improvement. Majority of the people who work for minimum wage are students, people with little education, or immigrants. Fast food restaurants such as Burger King and Mc Donald†s are examples of jobs that pay minimum wage. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $5.50. A job that pay†s you minimum wage usually offers little or no opportunity for improvement. Such a job offers experience in the fields of, how to make a hamburger, French fries, and chicken crisps. The only true experience you get from this type of a job is dedication. In order to show that you obtained this experience you must stick with the job for some time. People will not hire you because of the experience you have fro making French fries, but they might hire you for showing dedication. It does not come to me as a surprise that the majority of the people who work for minimum wage are either students, people with little education or immigrants. Students work because they need the job, and because they have not yet obtained real experience. People with little education work for minimum wage because that is the only job they can find, in order to have a job that pays more you either need experience or education. Immigrants who come to America may have some education but they can†t find a better job because they do not speak English. Until they learn our language, minimum wage is the only way of supporting them selves. The most common place to find a minimum wage job is a fast food restaurant. Restaurants such as Mc Donald†s and Burger King are famous for it. What made them famous is not the minimum wage but the fact that low skills are required. Since low skills are required anybody can work there. It is easy to find a job in places such as these but a price does come with it. The managers show little sympathy for scheduling. In most restaurants it†s either their way or no way. In conclusion, minimum wage is only good when it is your first or second job. If you want real experience, and better pay go through a temp agency to obtain a job in a company. The work will be hard but the paycheck will be much heavier. Imposing the Minimum Wages Minimum wage is the least amount of pay that a person receives for the job that he/she performs. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $5.50. A job that pay†s minimum wage offers little or no opportunity for improvement. Majority of the people who work for minimum wage are students, people with little education, or immigrants. Fast food restaurants such as Burger King and Mc Donald†s are examples of jobs that pay minimum wage. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $5.50. A job that pay†s you minimum wage usually offers little or no opportunity for improvement. Such a job offers experience in the fields of, how to make a hamburger, French fries, and chicken crisps. The only true experience you get from this type of a job is dedication. In order to show that you obtained this experience you must stick with the job for some time. People will not hire you because of the experience you have fro making French fries, but they might hire you for showing dedication. It does not come to me as a surprise that the majority of the people who work for minimum wage are either students, people with little education or immigrants. Students work because they need the job, and because they have not yet obtained real experience. People with little education work for minimum wage because that is the only job they can find, in order to have a job that pays more you either need experience or education. Immigrants who come to America may have some education but they can†t find a better job because they do not speak English. Until they learn our language, minimum wage is the only way of supporting them selves. The most common place to find a minimum wage job is a fast food restaurant. Restaurants such as Mc Donald†s and Burger King are famous for it. What made them famous is not the minimum wage but the fact that low skills are required. Since low skills are required anybody can work there. It is easy to find a job in places such as these but a price does come with it. The managers show little sympathy for scheduling. In most restaurants it†s either their way or no way. In conclusion, minimum wage is only good when it is your first or second job. If you want real experience, and better pay go through a temp agency to obtain a job in a company. The work will be hard but the paycheck will be much heavier.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Psychology Report

During Expedition One a range of psychological measures, informal observation, crew discussion and other means were used to collect information about crew psychological issues. The overall goal of the psychological studies was to gain insight into crew individual and group issues that may be relevant to a human mission to Mars or other prolonged human spaceflight. Another goal was to gather information relevant to improved functioning for future MDRS crews. Most of the comments below relate to Phases III and IV, when the majority of data collection took place, but some is relevant to the entire mission. Along with specifically psychological measures, the crew psychologist was also involved in human factors studies. These are covered in a separate Human Factors report. Major psychology research findings from ExOne will be reported in future publications once data can be properly analysed. The purpose of the current document is to summarise the measures used, impressions regarding outcomes of the studies and recommendations/implications for the future. Formal Measures - Social Psychological Measures All crew members completed a questionnaire entitled "Personal and Group Functioning Survey". This instrument was developed by social psychologists Dr Kate Reynolds & Dr Rachael Eggins at the School of Psychology, Australian National University. It is based on an extensive literature and research on issues of group identity and goal alignment conducted by the Social Psychology Research Unit at ANU. It aims to help determine the extent to which crew members on ExOne identified with ExOne overall as well as with it's subgroups such as Field Science and Mission Systems. In turn it aims to measure the degree to which crewmembers aligned their personal goals with the overall ExOne group and it's subgroups. Crewmembers in Phases III and IV completed the questionnaire three times each week. The data will be analysed back at ANU and results... Free Essays on Psychology Report Free Essays on Psychology Report During Expedition One a range of psychological measures, informal observation, crew discussion and other means were used to collect information about crew psychological issues. The overall goal of the psychological studies was to gain insight into crew individual and group issues that may be relevant to a human mission to Mars or other prolonged human spaceflight. Another goal was to gather information relevant to improved functioning for future MDRS crews. Most of the comments below relate to Phases III and IV, when the majority of data collection took place, but some is relevant to the entire mission. Along with specifically psychological measures, the crew psychologist was also involved in human factors studies. These are covered in a separate Human Factors report. Major psychology research findings from ExOne will be reported in future publications once data can be properly analysed. The purpose of the current document is to summarise the measures used, impressions regarding outcomes of the studies and recommendations/implications for the future. Formal Measures - Social Psychological Measures All crew members completed a questionnaire entitled "Personal and Group Functioning Survey". This instrument was developed by social psychologists Dr Kate Reynolds & Dr Rachael Eggins at the School of Psychology, Australian National University. It is based on an extensive literature and research on issues of group identity and goal alignment conducted by the Social Psychology Research Unit at ANU. It aims to help determine the extent to which crew members on ExOne identified with ExOne overall as well as with it's subgroups such as Field Science and Mission Systems. In turn it aims to measure the degree to which crewmembers aligned their personal goals with the overall ExOne group and it's subgroups. Crewmembers in Phases III and IV completed the questionnaire three times each week. The data will be analysed back at ANU and results...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Scarlet Letter Essay Example

Scarlet Letter Essay Example Scarlet Letter Essay Scarlet Letter Essay Essay Topic: The Scarlet Letter English – Mp 3 Pd 7 December 22, 2009 Scarlet Letter Essay The Scarlett Letter displays a moral lesson to all its readers. The character, Reverend Dimmesdale commits the sin of adultery and throughout the book goes through a struggle within himself. Chapter 12: The Ministers Vigil and Chapter 20: The Minister in a Maze show this struggle within Dimmesdale through similar and different dealings. Chapter 12 is when the ministers own subconscious takes control of his action and he goes to the scaffold at night as an indirect way of confessing his sin and guilt. In chapter 20, the minister has various thoughts that are not in his nature, like in chapter 12 it wouldnt be in the ministers own nature to go to the scaffold. In both chapters there are various mental activities that can explain this. In chapter 12 of the Scarlet Letter, the minister goes to the scaffold at night subconsciously. Dimmesdale is not capable of confessing his sin, so his subconscious tries to relieve the conflict he has between his lack of will to confess and his puritan conscious. Walking in the shadow of a dream, as it were and perhaps actually under the influence of a type of somnambulism, Mr. Dimmesdale reached the spite where, now so long since, Hester Prynne had lived through her first hours of public ignominy. Hawthorne through this sentence explains that the minister is sleep walking to the scaffold. It is not in his own conscious control and his subconscious is making the minister do this. In his mind, he can no longer take the guilt, but yet he cant confess, so his subconscious takes control to help relieve the conflict by trying to make Dimmesdale confess. His Puritan conscious is a strong part of Dimmesdale, unlike in later chapters. After chapter 17, when Dimmesdale agreed to a deliberate sin, his Puritan conscious felt betrayed and left behind. Now without his own Puritan conscious in his mind, Dimmesdale is tempted to do many wicked things. His mind no longer has a protection to the temptations of sin. He believes himself to have made a pact with Satan, he is aware of the situation in his mind where he is tempted to sin. At every step he was incited to do some strange, wild, wicked thing or other, with a sense that it would be at once involuntary and intentional; in spite of himself, yet growing out of a profounder self than that which opposed the impulse. This quote shows that Dimmesdale was haunted by the impulses of sin, that it would soon grow involuntary and intentional and that he has lost his Puritan conscious, which was the driving force for opposing the temptations of sin. Both chapters show a mental state that Dimmesdale is in. Chapter 12 shows Dimmesdale own subconscious mind try to do what Dimmesda le cant don consciously, which is confess to his sin and guilt. In chapter 20, Dimmesdales mind is haunted by the impulses to commit wicked sins. Dimmesdale is aware of his mental state in chapter 20, unlike in chapter 12 where his subconscious was in control. That is a difference between chapter 12 and 20, in one chapter the minister is unaware of the events, in the other he is fully aware. Even counting this difference, both chapters are similar with the terms that they both deal with the ministers mental state, that of conflict between lack of will and his Puritan conscious as in chapter 12, or that in which the ministers mind has lost his Puritan conscious and is tempted to commit sin, as in chapter 20.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Perfect Pillow †Theology Essay

The Perfect Pillow – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers The Perfect Pillow Theology Essay I am on a quest for the perfect pillow. My philosophy is that the kind of pillow one uses determines, to a large degree, the quality of rest one has. So, I have been on a quest for the perfect pillow. I have tried numerous pillows on my quest. I know how Goldilocks must have felt at the three bear’s home. â€Å"This one is too hard. This one is too soft! And this one is just right!† My wife likes a gigantic pillow about 18 inches thick. But it leaves me with a stiff neck. A â€Å"down† filled pillow feels good initially, but collapses in the middle before the night is done. I have tried a bone shaped pillow, a foam filled pillow, an air filled pillow, and a wedge shaped pillow. But my quest for the perfect pillow continues. The patriarch, Jacob was running for his life. His brother, Esau, threatened to kill him for cheating him out of his birthright. Alone in the desert he slept under the twinkling stars and used a stone for a pillow. He must have had a hard head. For Jacob, it was the perfect pillow. As Jacob went to sleep, he had a dream of a stairway to heaven. Angels went up and down on it. At the top of the stairway, Jacob saw the Lord who announced, â€Å"I am the Lord, the God of your grandfather Abraham . . . The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I will give it to you and your descendants . . . I will be with you and protect you wherever you go† (Genesis 28 NLT). Although he did not realize it at the time, Jacob was on a quest for rest. It was more than repose from fatigue, exertion, and work. It is the realization of joy, peace, and harmony in stillness. This stillness is â€Å"the state of experiencing God’s presence in which there is no strife, no fighting, no fear, and no distrust.† Consider how Jacob discovered the perfect pillow of rest. First, Jacob came to a place of TRUST. Jacob took his stone pillow, turned it on end, and made a memorial table out of it. He poured olive oil on it and worshipped God. Jacob saw the Lord. The Holy Spirit will enable you to see God working in your past, your present circumstances, and a vision of what God wants to do in your life. Jacob trusted God’s promise to be with him, protect him, and bless him. (See Genesis 28:10-19.) My wife and I were blessed and refreshed as we visited our friend’s Ron and Jane in Florida recently. In my quest, I tried out their guest room pillow. Jane remarked that many times when she is tired or anxious, she hugs her pillow before going to sleep at night and prays – â€Å"Lord Jesus, I trust in you.† She has found the perfect pillow. Corrie ten Boom was fond of saying to those encountering the storms of life – â€Å"Don’t wrestle, jest nestle.† Rest in the Lord. (See Psalm 37, Proverbs 3:5, 6, and Hebrew 4:11.) Second, Jacob TOOK TIME TO WORSHIP. He vowed to make the memorial pillar a place for worshipping God. (See Genesis 28:22.) The Psalmist David later declared, â€Å"I will not let my eyes sleep nor close my eyelids in slumber until I find a place to build a house for the Lord, a sanctuary for the Mighty One of Israel . . . Let us go to the dwelling place of the Lord; let us bow low before Him† (Psalm 132:3-9). Daily worship of God will bring you into a place of rest – the glorious, refreshing, presence of God. (See Isaiah 28:1, 12, John 4:23-24.) Third, Jacob vowed that he would TITHE A TENTH of everything God blessed him with, to the Lord. (See Genesis 28:29.) Jacob could go to sleep with a clear conscience because he was not robbing God. (See Malachi 3:6-10.) Tithing a tenth of your income affirms who is in control of your life and whom you trust in. (See Romans 12:1-2.) When crowds thronged around Jesus and men requested to follow him, Jesus replied, â€Å"The foxes have holes and the birds have nests but the Son of man has no place to lay his head’ (Matthew 8:20). Many became offended at that statement and left Jesus. After all, who wants to follow a â€Å"loser†? But Jesus offers the perfect pillow – rest for your soul. Jesus is the Master of the storms and waves that assault our daily lives. One day the disciples and Jesus started across the lake in a little boat. A storm blew up, swamping the boat with waves of water and wind. The disciples were terrified. Jesus was asleep on a pillow in the stern. They shook Jesus awake, crying out, â€Å"Don’t you care that we perish?† Jesus rebuked the wind and it was instantly calm. He then questioned their lack of faith. Jesus had the perfect pillow – His trust in His Heavenly Father. (See Matthew 8:23-27.) After reading a newspaper report of a new plan to conserve land by burying people vertically rather than in the traditional horizontal position, an elderly lady came to her pastor. â€Å"Don’t let them bury me standing up,† she demanded. â€Å"My feet have hurt me all my life.† We may laugh, but we all want to be free form anxiety and distress. Must we wait until our funeral to rest in peace? My quest for the perfect pillow has ended. Our quest is for rest. Jesus offers the perfect pillow – Himself. â€Å"I will lie down in peace and sleep for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe† (Psalm 4:8). Jesus invites you – â€Å"Come unto me . . . I will give you rest† (Matthew 11:28). Research Papers on The Perfect Pillow - Theology EssayBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Hockey GameThe Spring and AutumnMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Exemption of military from environmental conservation Research Paper

Exemption of military from environmental conservation - Research Paper Example This is done by proper legislation through acts of parliament, formation of organizations that ensure protection of endangered species and supporting world organizations whose mandate is to protect the environment. In the process of environmental conservation, an important question about the military involvement is environmental conservation normally surface. Scholars like Benedict Cohen and Jamie Clark have been able to argue out ideas on the military involvement in environmental conservation. Indeed, the issue of environmental conservation should be taken with the seriousness it deserves hence no person or personality should be exempted in the efforts of environmental conservation. Background information Environment is the conditions or the surroundings through which a human being, plant or animal operates. It involves the air, the waters, the soil, forests, etc. The environment is beneficial because it is a habitat to living things, source of food for animals, source of medicine and provides beautiful scenery during man’s relaxation. Over the past century, the military activities have been strongly linked to being insensitive to the conservation of the environment. Research through books, journals, newspaper articles and other forms of media has shown that the environmental pollution and degradation is due to the some of the military activities. The military may affect the environment unwillingly such as during combat or even during the training and testing sessions. In the training sessions and even live combat, the military use weapons, which release harmful chemicals to the environment (Bowden, 2004). These chemicals pollute the environment hence leads to death of biodiver sity. In addition, the contaminated air may lead to increase in temperatures hence tropical diseases like malaria become widespread. Moreover, it has been proven that the radiation caused due to nuclear weaponry causes faster multiplication of body cells hence development of cancer. Thus the effect caused by military activities are more severe that leave the question should the military be exempt from environmental conservation. Method To address the issue, I will conduct a review of related research from the books, journals, newspaper articles and other forms of media. The review will give information on various scholarly materials that have researched on the issue. The findings will be summarized to give the results that on whether military should be exempt from environmental regulations. Literature review Land degradation is the deterioration of top soil in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by one or more combinations of human-induced methods. The explosi ves used during testing or live combats affect the nature of the land by creating large dents in the ground (Schwartz, 2006). These dents accumulate water hence the land becomes unsuitable for agriculture. In addition, the heat generated by the explosives kills the microorganisms, which are responsible for the fertility and aeration of the soil. These lands are left bear hence no agricultural activities can take place. According to Schwarts (2006), military activities during either war or practice may result into leaving some dangerous substances in the environment. These substances may include radiations, unexploded ammunitions, burning oil wells etc. These environments are risky for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Career Plan - Essay Example After pursuing this professional interest, I would like to work as an accountant in a medium sized or a large organization. As my dream job, accounting has five possible job specializations and career paths that would enable me to fulfill my professional interest in finance. These career paths include audit accounting, budget analysis, financial accounting, management accounting, and tax accounting. This essay discusses the career planning methodology and the process of developing a successful professional career. 2 DISCUSSION ANALYSIS 2.1 Career Planning Methodology Making a choice on a career is a very challenging undertaking. It entails more that making up one’s mind about what they want to do in life in order to earn a living. It involves selecting a profession in which one is competent in, a profession that one is interested in undertaking, and a profession that will provide one with employment opportunities and career development. As such, the career planning process has four main steps that individuals must consider to ensure that they end up following their professional interest. These steps include self-assessment, exploring and choosing career, planning the course of the career, and taking action through job application. 2.1.1 Self-assessment. ... This assessment provides an individual with a deeper understanding of self before venturing into the process of choosing careers. This is particularly significant in aiding one to choose the career that best fits their personality. 2.1.2 Exploring and choosing a career. Based on the results obtained after self-assessment, this step enables one to choose an occupation that best suits their personality and skills. In this step, one also explores different careers and the opportunities available in each of these careers to identify the ones that interest them the most. After a thorough research of the labor market, one should start eliminating the careers that do not interest them while still looking for more information on the available careers that interest them. This will eventually narrow down to a single career. This step should also take into consideration the subjects that one is studying in school to ensure that they are in line with their career of choice. 2.1.3 Planning the co urse of the career After selecting a career of choice, an individual should use this step to set out different career goals they intend to attain and the time required to attain these goals. This stage also includes the acquisition of the necessary career qualifications. In this stage, it is advisable to ask other professionals in the particular career about the required qualifications and the time required attaining these qualifications. One should also check on job advertisements and the required qualifications cross checking them with personal qualifications to determine whether one is still on the right track. Equally, it is important to check out the responsibilities of professionals in this career. This stage helps one to

Compare and contrast two film genres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare and contrast two film genres - Essay Example The storyline in anime starts from a well-developed plot and progresses with complexity that is rarely found in animations. As such, anime develops its storyline through numerous episodes or as many episodes as necessary to convey the entire story and develop the plot (Yumeka, 2009). In anime, the characters change periodically through the entire series and episodes to convey the storyline leading to a conclusion. The complications presented in the story and in anime tend to draw their viewers as the long progression, time spent connecting the dots between the characters, and activities are captivating. The episodes, which are continuous offer breaks in anime to consolidate the concepts presented, and even the storyline, as long as the integrity of the story is maintained. On the other hand, animation lacks this episodic representation of the storyline on a wide scale as it prevents animation from being a long running series. The presentation of characters as static beings in the ani mation creates a state of boredom following the high level of predictability affiliated with animation. This is as opposed to changes in character found in anime since the characters are dynamic, the influence the storyline to be dynamic, as well. It is through this that animation lacks or fails to generate a massive following for its storyline since it tends to be short and suffers from lack of progressive creativity. In addition, the storyline or plot in the case of anime goes much deeper than animation to offer a detailed representation of the themes and characters on offer. It is because of this that the complexity of the anime storyline beats the cliche line that animations offer, especially on being funny and eliciting humor cliche to viewers (colpolbear, 2012). Complexity in anime ensures that the audience is gripped by the story, and that as mentioned earlier, every move remains unpredictable, which is maintained and ensured by the length and dynamism of the characters. In a ddition, in animation, there is sustained simplicity in the plot, which is further defined to follow a conventional pattern (articlebase, 2006). This pattern is what is labeled as cliche and few animations attempt to go beyond it, which anime beats to pulp by running complex scripts and sustaining their unpredictable nature. Animations focus on heroism and concepts of good and evil, as well as humor, which is mean to set the audience to burst out laughing. The concept of good people and bad people is featured extensively in animation as part of the storyline promoting heroism. Abstract concepts and ideas are generated, in anime, to represent any possible situation that one can think of including the unthinkable for the audience. This can be seen through the integration of concepts such as politics, religion, humanity and even fantasy that are found in to father plot development and bring to light certain ideas in an educational light. This is just the opposite for animation as the m ain idea is fun, fun and more fun for the viewer and audience, which is directed at entertaining them. Concerning characters, anime and animation in film differ a lot as each has its own of presenting their characters and their roles. Animations tend to have three characters, and the rest only play supporting roles for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Porter and Kotlers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Porter and Kotlers - Essay Example A large number of child center in Australia is now on the industry. ABC needs to survive and increase its profit and has come up and decide to merge with Child Care Center Australia (CCCA) and Peppercorn Management Group (PMG). Action done by its managing director are being analyze in this paper. Suggestion where given to help the company succeed on its aim to increase sale, profits and shares and survival in this stiff and increasing competition. What is an industry As defined in an "Industry" is way of classifying businesses that have something in common. Firms are included in or excluded from an industry classification based on the degree of similarity in the products they make or sell and types of customers they service, and the marketplace in which they compete. Industry analysis is a type of business research that focuses on the status of an industry or an industrial sector (a broad industry classification, like "manufacturing"). A complete industrial analysis usually includes a review of an industry's recent performance, its current status, and the outlook for the future. Many analyses include a combination of text and statistical data. Based on the article of, Porters model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on and understanding of industry structures and the way they change. Porter has identified five competitive forces that shape every industry and every market. These forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective of corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Porters model supports analysis of the driving forces in an industry. Based on the information derived from the Five Forces Analysis, management can decide how to influence or to exploit particular characteristics of their industry. 3 1. Main Aspects of Porter's Five Forces Analysis The original competitive forces model, as proposed by Porter, identified five forces which would impact on an organization's behaviour in a competitive market. These include the following: - The rivalry between existing sellers in the market. - The

A Reality of Cairos Past and Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Reality of Cairos Past and Future - Essay Example Cairo's efforts to mange its population is mirrored by a continental program in Africa that aims to decentralize commerce and industries by 2015 (Raychaudhuri 6). In 2005, the Egypt Human Development Report (EHDR) 2005 was published and tackled the problems that overcrowding has brought to the city: it cites that the disparity in resources, prospects and representation is a direct deterrent to national goal of development for Egypt (United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] "Choosing our future: Towards a New Social Contract", 5-6) Crowding in urban areas is a problem that all major cities are facing. Even developed countries also have to deal with issues of disproportion of population and industries. Efforts to balance these trends have come in either redevelopment of stagnating areas or through relocation efforts. The successes of these projects have been intermittent and have done little to stem rapid growth of urban populations. The stories of remote locations becoming ghost towns as residents move to the city is not fiction, it is a reality that aggravates economic and social problems of less developed regions. From the perspective of computer programs that include crowds and other social behaviors associated with it, crowding is seen as something that is important in all growing cities and economies. In many cases, urban overcrowding can either be a 24-hour phenomenon to a city or only an effect of people coming to work in the cities where the human congestion eases as people return to their homes at the end of the day. According to Loscos and his associates, crowding creates a resource base that is essential for development but at the same time, one has to be very careful in encouraging population development because population grow in geometrically and once it finds its momentum, little can be done to control it excluding extraordinary measures without sacrificing growth. Hebding and Glick point out that crowding is though a strongly social behavior, factors that fuel it more powerfully are economic and political factors. People gravitate towards areas that give him best access to resources. A direct economic effect of these movement is on labor markets and even greater impact is made on developing economies were labor maybe more easier than al other economic resources (Bertola 3027-3028). Politics also tend to follow these developments. The greater the development, the greater is the need for administration. Wars have been fought to control cities independently of the countries they are situated in. Cairo historically was a key city in controlling the Nile and gaining access to the rest of Egypt. There is cyclical effect to these developments: population, commercial and industrial density develops economic and political centers while at the same time, the establishments of these centers attract further population multiplication. Population and the availability of labor, political and economic institutions are all key factors that are essential to development (Bergsten). The magnitude of these cities, whether newly developed or ancient ones like Cairo, can be measure by the extent of their population, economy and political significance. Therefore, overcrowding to a certain extent is an indication of a city's

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Porter and Kotlers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Porter and Kotlers - Essay Example A large number of child center in Australia is now on the industry. ABC needs to survive and increase its profit and has come up and decide to merge with Child Care Center Australia (CCCA) and Peppercorn Management Group (PMG). Action done by its managing director are being analyze in this paper. Suggestion where given to help the company succeed on its aim to increase sale, profits and shares and survival in this stiff and increasing competition. What is an industry As defined in an "Industry" is way of classifying businesses that have something in common. Firms are included in or excluded from an industry classification based on the degree of similarity in the products they make or sell and types of customers they service, and the marketplace in which they compete. Industry analysis is a type of business research that focuses on the status of an industry or an industrial sector (a broad industry classification, like "manufacturing"). A complete industrial analysis usually includes a review of an industry's recent performance, its current status, and the outlook for the future. Many analyses include a combination of text and statistical data. Based on the article of, Porters model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on and understanding of industry structures and the way they change. Porter has identified five competitive forces that shape every industry and every market. These forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective of corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Porters model supports analysis of the driving forces in an industry. Based on the information derived from the Five Forces Analysis, management can decide how to influence or to exploit particular characteristics of their industry. 3 1. Main Aspects of Porter's Five Forces Analysis The original competitive forces model, as proposed by Porter, identified five forces which would impact on an organization's behaviour in a competitive market. These include the following: - The rivalry between existing sellers in the market. - The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Individuals Appraise Their Own Physical Attractiveness Essay

How Individuals Appraise Their Own Physical Attractiveness - Essay Example The current research was motivated by a desire to better understand how people make judgments about their own attractiveness and how such self-appraisals may systematically vary as a function of the context of time. In Study 1, individuals rated their past self as physically less attractive than their current self. This study is informative in demonstrating that judgments of self-perceived attractiveness vary as a function of temporal perspective. In Study 2, individuals rated their future self as more attractive than their current self. This study is informative in serving as an initial demonstration of how temporal biasing influences future self-appraisals of attractiveness. Furthermore, in both studies, temporal biasing of attractiveness was moderated by an individual difference variable–attribute importance (Study 1) and social comparison orientation. The results of Study 1 are consistent with the view espoused by Mac Davis — participants perceived themselves as mor e attractive now than in the past. Moreover, this pattern was found among only those individuals for whom physical attractiveness was important to their self-concept. Thus, taken together, the results supported the hypotheses. With these results in hand, a second study investigated whether people perceive their future self to be more attractive than their current self. The overall results of Study 2 are consistent with predictions: Respondents rated their future self as more attractive than their current self.

Aristotle concept of virtue Essay Example for Free

Aristotle concept of virtue Essay The concept of virtue by Aristotle can be attributed to the state of character which he believed lies between two broad extremes which are the excess and deficiency. He believed that virtues falls into two major categories which are the moral virtue and the intellectual virtue. He considered moral values to be associated with feelings, choosing and acting well while intellectual is being acquired. He believed that not all the state of character is virtues and that virtue can be considered the doctrine of mean. This doctrine helps us to determine the actual state of character that is virtuous. He considered character such as lustfulness as not virtue because lustfulness represent an increase feeling of sexual desires or seek for too much sexual pleasure and it lies towards the extreme of excess and not being in the mean which Aristotle considered to be a point that represent virtue. Comparing and contrasting the Aristotle definition of virtue and Socrates definition of impiety and piety. There is no much similarity between the definitions except in that they try to explain the concept of justification in whatever we do. Both definitions relates to what can be considered to be morally good. There are several differences between the two forms of definition. 1. Socrates believe that there are certain fundamental characteristic that makes pious things pious which is different from the Aristotle concepts of virtue which strongly believe in character that lies between the two extremes. 2. Aristotle consider the relationship of friendship to virtues while Socrates believes piety is what god loves and impiety what god hates The better definition might be determined by its application to moral values. Since the Aristotle’s definition explains certain aspects of ethics, I will consider it, the better of the two definitions. Aristotle’s definition relates directly to human life and character and it application can guide the way we act and helps us live better life. Aristotle also consider friendship as being indispensible to virtuous life believing without friendship towards our fellows it is impossible to live a complete and virtuous life. He believes we must be good friends to ourselves before we can show which a concept of â€Å"self love† is. We can only understand friendship when will understand the virtue of oneself. The issue with the relationship of friendship with ourselves and others can be narrowed down to the fact Aristotle believed that virtue brings happiness. Aristotle in summary established a relationship between character, reasons and emotion. He explains the relationship virtues and vices, relationship of virtue to pleasure and to happiness and the notion of moral education. Socrates believes that piety is intimately bound to gods and it is what the gods loves. References Aristotle, (350 B. C. E). â€Å"Book I. In Nicomachean Ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans. ). Retrieved 2 June 2009, from http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen. 1. i. html Aristotle, (350 B. C. E). â€Å"Book II. In Nicomachean Ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans. ). Retrieved 2 June 2009 from http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen. 2. ii. html Aristotle, (350 B. C. E). â€Å"Book VII. In Nicomachean Ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans. ). Retrieved 2 June 2009 from http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen. 7. vii. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of NGOs

Advantages and Disadvantages of NGOs ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION AS MAJOR POLITICAL ACTOR IN GLOBAL SOUTH â€Å"To invest a little time and genuine support with real-world exchanges of information  grounded in what truly interests those in your own world†. -Mitch Throwe NGO are tugboats in international channels â€Å"Development is the strategy of evasion. When you can’t give people land reform and  Given them hybrid cows. When you can’t send children to school, try non-formal education. Then you can’t provide basic health to people, talk of health insurance. Can’t give them jobs? Not to worry, just redefine the word employment opportunities. Don’t want to do away with  Using children as a form of slave labor? Never mind. Talk of â€Å"improving the conditions of child  Labor!† It sounds good. You can even make money out of it†. -Palagumi Sainath, Everybody Loves a Good Drought; Stories form India’s Poorest Districts,  (Penguin Books, 1996), p.42 -Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) NGO describe to a non-profit citizens, voluntary entity organized national or internationally. Thus, professional association, trade unions, foundations, religions organizations, women’s,  youth groups, cooperative associations, human right associations, and development also some  environmental protection groups, research institutes concerning with international affairs and associations dealing parliamentarians are considered NGOs. The south-based NGOs that provide services either to the rural poor or to basic level membership organizations and institutes and also with local branches of international NGOs that enjoy varying levels of autonomy. NGOs are therefore primitive from historical or formal and informal membership organizations such as framers’ associations. Even within this, there exists wide range of origins and philosophy. The majority of NGOs is miniature of major NGOs structures with minor lines of communications and is therefore capable of responding accessibility feasibility and rapidly to its client’s requirements. They are also predefined by a work ethic conductive to generating sustainable processes and impacts of development in various fields. NGOs also presence in remote locations, where it is difficult to keep government staff in post. Role of NGOs Limited technical capacities and relevant small resources bases may characterize some  of NGOs. NGOs sometimes may have limited strategic manner and weak linkage  with other players in development. NGOs may have limited managerial and  organizational capacities. In some countries, the relationship between NGOs and  government may involve political, legal, ideological, and administrative constraints. NGOs in international processes perform many functions like settings agendas,  Negotiation outcomes, conferring legitimacy and implementing solutions. Some of its major roles are as follows: Supporting aspects: Demonstration ad pilot projects: NGOs have the advantage of selection particular places for new projects and specify and as well as improved projects and also advancing the length of time which they will be maintaining those projects and tackle some shortcomings that government projects overcoming some of shortcoming that governments face in this manner. Faciliatiate communication: NGOs also can facilitate communication between people and government. Evalaution and Research: Improved and innovative activities need to be carefully documented and shared effectively and specifically monitoring would accessible for the sharing of final results with people and with the project staff. NGOs also play and important role in advocacy manner that it is implement the governmental programs from criticism to advisable form. NGOs also play an important rule nationally and internationally indeed have a typical rule in helping and encouragement for governments to taking the actions for which they have given endorsement internationally. As actors in an global civil society As actors in a global civil society, NGOs can help to recreate a countervailing force to the process that can excluded people by re-distributing assets and opportunities, injecting social values into market processes, and holding economic institutions to account for their actions. This represents the cutting edge and implementations of innovation of much NGO work today and also for the future. NGOs also represent issues and its own views in the dynamics of the developmental processes. The UN Secretary –General in 1995 said: â€Å"NGOs are a basic element in representation of new world. In all continents of world NGOs are spreading in number rapidly. And this is inseparable from the aspiration to freedom and democracy which today animates international society. From the standpoint opinion and the mobilizing powers of NGOs†. NGOs are also facing challenges to generate themselves to work in more global and strategic tracks in future. In a sense this is what NGOs are already doing by integrating micro level actions in their sense projects and advocacy activities in exact way. NGOs must create form of concrete innovations at is grass-level to connect with enforcement that can be easily influence the shape of poverty, violence and many other exclusionary violent behaviors and also capture the world of knowledge. Role of NGOs in development cooperation The basics of non-governmental organizations remain the same: to provide basic services to those who need them. Many NGOs have demolished their ability to reach poor locality for working in an accessible areas and innovate areas or in other hand achieve things better than by official organizations and agencies. Many non-governmental organizations have an ability to reach poor people, work in inaccessible areas, innovate, or in other ways achieve things better than by official agencies. Many non-governmental organizations have closest linkage with poor group of people. Non-governmental organizations resources are largely additional; they complement the development effort of others, and they can help to make the development process more feasible, translucent, transparent, participatory and accountable. Non-governmental organizations not only â€Å"fill the gaps â€Å"but they also act as a response to failures in the public and private sectors in providing basics services. Relationship of NGOs A healthy relationship is only conceivable when both parties (government and Non-governmental organizations) share same objectives. If the governmental commitment to innovating the provision of turban services is weak or low level, Non-governmental organizations will always find dialogue and correlation or even counterproductive. When government has social agenda and where Non-governmental organizations are more effective, than there is the potential for strong, collaborative relationship found in both of them. However, the mutual distinct jealousy also appears to be deep-rooted.Governemts fear that NGOs threaten national security and can erode their power. And Non-governmental organizations mistrust over the motivation scenarios of officials and also of government. Though many of the strategic Non-governmental organizations are overcoming their inhibitions and are seeking closer collaboration with governments. To support these roles and relationships, Non-governmental organizations will need to develop a range of new and improve skills and competitive in learning, mediation dialogue bridging, maintaining and influencing. Now focus of Non-governmental organizations is on narrow management issues acquiring skills valued by donors, and formal or traditional concepts of lobbying, need to be replaced by capacities wide range and include the ability to listen, learn and team work at both locally and also globally. The balance of power Non-governmental organizations in world is very hard to shift as we found and organizing this conference. Non-governmental organizations paly high level legitimacy and accountability to mount, fatally undermining the credibility that NGOs will need if they are to play in global debates. Modifications and Sustainability Most Non-governmental organizations shows themselves as catalyst for change and as well as an actor affected by exclusive changes, such as the capacity development. In terms of type of activities andabout the receiver of Non-governmental organizations efforts. Whereas the object of capacity development efforts by Non-governmental organizations formally orusually has been civil society itself through a focus on the community. For change, action and intervention need to change. According to one author, capacity development hints radical changes in Non-governmental organizations action, leading to a significantly reduced role in problem identification, design and use of interventions and greater focus on help (in doing something), strategic inputs and supporting processes aimed at strengthening developing country capacity. Functionally, this means a move away forming projects to investments in developing country program and less reliance ontechnical assistance(Gordjin, 2006: 14 ). Equally, Uvin at al. suggest that Non-governmental organizations canreadjustand expand their action by using their knowledge through activities such as training, informat ion sharing,company that helps business and advice in order to promote changes in other institutions whocorrect (should) include (s) the provisions of such support services, that is, government (2000: 1414-1417). Criticism /Disadvantages of Non-governmental organizations There has additionally been reproval on how Non-governmental organizations have utilized their funding and other monies received or raised. There is additionally disparity between Non-governmental organizations in the north and Non-governmental organizations in the south between their viewpoints and conceptions in which to implement programs in cognation to development and human rights discretely. By endeavoring to amalgamate these two discourses across the globe can engender quandaries of fragmentation of conceptions and programs. If fragmentation were to occur it would be the antithesis intention of Non-governmental organizations that were endeavoring to cumulate human rights and development into kindred programs. Issa G. Shivii is one of Africa’s leading experts on law and development issues as an author and academics. His critique on Non-governmental organizations is found in two essays. â€Å"Silence in Non-governmental organizations discourse: The role and future of Non-governmental organizations in Africa Another reprove of Non-governmental organizations is that they are being designed and utilized as extensions of the mundane foreign policy instruments of certain Western countries and groups of countries. There has withal been inundating disaster of Non-governmental organizations utilizing while lies or misinformed advice to enact their campaigns. In other words, Non-governmental organizations have been quite nescient about critical issues because, as chief scientist at Greenpeace Doug Parr claims, these organizations have lost their efforts in being authentically scientific and are now more self-intrigued. Rather than through science so as to be rationally and efficaciously practical, Non-governmental organizations are now abusing the utilizations of science in order to gain their own advantages. Human Rights and Non-Governmental Organizations: (Some Channels for Non-governmental organizations Participation in international organizations) Some of the Case studies are as following: Non-governmental organizations representatives can be on a national delegation to an international conference to advice delegates from their government (Cairo Population Conference in 1994); Representatives from Non-governmental organizations can be included on a national delegation to an international conference to represent the NGO and conduct negotiations (International Labor Organization); NGOs can send delegates to semi-public international conferences (IUCN has a membership that includes 699 BGOs as well as states and government agencies); An international organization can set up an advisory group that includes experts from NGOs, who do not represent the Non-governmental organizations (UN Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters); An international organization can give Non-governmental organizations an opportunity to participate (not necessarily in a negotiating role) in an official conference to draft a teat (ECOSOC); An international organization can give NGOs an opportunity to participate in preparatory committees for an international conference (Rio earth summit in 1992, Johannesburg summit on sustainable development in 2002); An international organization can hold a special session to give Non-governmental organizations an opportunity to make presentations (General Assembly on sub-Saharan Africa in 1986); It’s also cover some main areas i.e. Women’s economic empowerment, in achievement gender equality. Organizational Implication: Some implications are as follows in the aspect of Non-governmental organizations field: How to create and move genuinely inclusively civil society at every level of world system. How to hold other organizations accountable for their actions and ensure that they respond to social and as well as environmental requirements? How to insure and improve that international regimes are both implemented effectively and work for the benefit of needy people and also for poor communities? How to approve that profit made at global field are translated into concentrate benefit at the base roots. The above challenges raise major questions about how Non-governmental organizations organize and improve themselves to work in more and more global aspects worldwide and also some improvement in the way for future. Conclusions NGOs play an increasingly important role in the development. Non-governmental organizations can bridge the gap between government and community. Community based organizations are essential in organizing poor people, taking major action and representing the interests of their members in dialogue between Non-governmental organizations and government. On the other hand, Non-governmental organizations are better at facial thing and supply the inputs into monumental and management, also mediating between people and the wide political party, internetworking information and policy reform. By enabling framework of laws, economic and political methods and conditions the State can play and perform a fundamental role in helping Non-governmental organizations and as well as for CBOs. Non-governmental organizations may have limited organizational and managerial capacities. In some of the countries, the relationship between NGOs and government may involve legal, administrative and some political entities. Sometimes questions arise concerning the motivations objectives of Non-governmental organizations, and the degree of flexibility NGOs accept for the it’s final impact of policies and also positions they advocate. The variety of activities in which Non-governmental organizations participate has increasing rapidly since the 1980s, witnessing particular expansion in the 1990s.This has been presented Non-governmental organizations, specifically those that operate at pressure of centralization and decentralization. By centralization Non-governmental organizations, particularly those that operate at international level, they can easily assign a common theme or set of goals. Intervarsity it is also advantageous to decentralize as these increases the chances of an Non-governmental organizations behaving flexibility and effectively to localized issues. The strength of Non-governmental organizations , operating at the field level, it’s their ability to create close links to local communities, and to engender community ownership and participation in improvement at developmental effort. References: 1-Source: Charnovitz, Steve. 1997. â€Å"Two Centuries of Participation: Non-governmental organizations and international† Michigan Journal of International Law18 (2): 281-282 2-Role of Non-governmental Organizations in development cooperation Research paper, UNDP/Yale Collaborated Programme, 1999 research Clinic, New Haven 1999: Olena P. Maslyukivska 3-NGO funding Policy: INTERACT-NGO Research Programme, 2001 4-Aid, NGO and Civil Society: Eldis, 2003 5-Edwards, M. (1997) Organizational learning in NGOs: what have we learned? Public administration and development 17 (2), 235-50. 6-World Bank (1991 1b), Trends in developing countries 1991. Washington, DC: World Bank. 7- Palagumi Sainath, Everybody Loves a Good Drought; Stories form India’s Poorest Districts, (Penguin Books, 1996), p.42

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Apollo 11 Space Flight: Man Explores the Moon and Gains Perspectiv

The 1960's brought cultural transformation through outbreaks of violence and contention. The "Love and Peace" slogan led to a bloody fear of "War and Hate." It was an era of protest and revolt. The decade began with the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., escalated with the viciousness of Vietnam, and ended with the suspicion of Watergate. And somewhere in the terror of freedom, we saw two Americans walk on the moon. It was while staring at that crystalline sphere hovering above us that we pondered the scope of our opportunity. On that warm summer night it was a miracle of technology, a step into a new world, a celebrated triumph. We engaged in a political race to the moon against the Communists with a democratic pride that launched us to a new age of scientific exploration. They were footsteps that would be talked about for centuries bringing information that would influence us for decades. America's Race for the Moon Following the Atomic Bomb of World War II, the United States was a recognized "Superpower," the technological king of advancement. Through our new Elvis albums and poodle skirts, we were enjoying the satisfaction of being the "winning team." However, in 1957, our pride was pierced when news hit that Russia had successfully launched "Sputnik," the first artificial satellite to circle the earth. As President Kennedy said, "We are behind and will be for a period in the future" (Sullivan 142). We were no longer the superior champions we once were. The Soviet Union seemed unstoppable; by 1961 Russian Major Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the earth in a spaceship. Less than two months later, the United States publicly announced their 20 billion dollar space program, Project... ...s. By viewing the Earth as a whole, we discovered truths about humanity that sparked a new perspective of thought and understanding for our generation and the generations to come. "We touched the face of another world, and became people without limits" (Chaikin ix). Works Cited Chaikin, Andrew. A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts. New York: Penguin Books, 1994. Folger, Tim, Sarah Richardson, and Carl Zimmer. "Remembering Apollo." Discover July 1994: 38-58. Spirit of Apollo: A Collection of Reflective Interviews. AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1989. Sullivan, Walter, ed. America's Race for the Moon: The New York Times Story of Apollo. New York: Random House Publishers, 1962. Wilford, John Noble. We Reach the Moon; the New York Times story of Man's Greatest Adventure. New York: Bantum Books, 1969.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Literary Analysis

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses Jim as the moral center of the story to depict the hardships, racial obstacles, and stereotypes that blacks endured during the era of American slavery. Dating back to the 1600’s and during the harsh cruelty of the American slave era comes the inspiring story of a black man in search of a new start. Among many other slaves, Jim is brought to an unjust, nefarious reality as he endures the oppression of racial discrimination. Throughout American history, many blacks grew up constantly bearing the unforgiving rancor of whites. A discriminating social system emerged, establishing white supremacy. Sadly, whites claimed superiority over any non-white and attacked many traits of these lower groups including their intelligence, roles in society and their emotions as human beings. In many parts of the story, Jim is viewed by the whites around him as a dullard. Jim seems to do whatever he is told with the notion that whites know best . Later Huck and Tom, both white children, devise a plan to rescue Jim from his capture. Although the two boys are significantly younger than Jim, the black slave chooses to listen to them because of the color of their skin: â€Å"Jim he couldn’t see no sense in the most of it, but he allowed [the boys were] white folks and knowed better than him† (Twain 188). During the slave era, the color white symbolized intelligence, a force to intimidate and control others. Jim’s statement reflects the insecurity that had been forged within him by the outside white force. He fails to understand the terms of the plan to set him free but understands that the immature children know what is best-- for they are white. Moreover, slavery forced blacks into many subordinate roles. S... ...ce of the times he has spent with them. At one point, Jim reflects on an incident when he has struck his child out of anger. After realizing the reason for her disobedience, her loss of hearing, he pleads to God, â€Å"de Lord God Amighty fogive po’ ole Jim, kaze he never qwyne to fogive hisself as long’s he live!† (Twain 118). He discovers â€Å"she was plumb deef en dumb†¦ en [he had] ben a-treat’n her so!† (Twain 118). With the sound of a distant whack, Jim is flooded with guilt and regret. He relates the sound to a past which he will never be able to forgive himself for. The once buried feelings for his family finally surface, vivified with a new sense of emotion for his loved ones. On the outside Jim is a slave, a black creature who endures the callous twists of life. Under his skin, however, he is a father, an honest and caring person and most importantly a human.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Use of Money as a Motivational Factor in the Workplace

Haohan Wu Vladimir V Kalugin PHIL 305 08. 19. 2012 The Use of money as a Motivational Factor in the Workplace Claim: This paper aims at proving that the use of money as a motivational factor in the work place is equitable to a bribe and should not be allowed. Explanation of the Claim: To start off, there is need to explain as to what motivation means and how money comes into the equation. According to Saddiqui, motivation is the act of giving another person the incentive or a reason to do something (1).That is, giving the individual the hope or support to carry out a particular act. Psychology Today quips that motivation is the desire to do something (2). As such, motivating is the act of creating the desire to do something in an individual. That is, propelling someone towards doing a particular thing as opposed to pushing an individual away. To further explain the aspect of motivation, Bizhelp (para. 1) explains the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of motivation, which has it tha t there are two types. First of all are the factors that motivate the individuals to continue working.These are the factors that make the people appreciate their job; hence they continue putting all their efforts at it. On the other hand, there are the factors, which prevent job satisfaction. These are not, in whichever way, related to the happiness of the individuals. Rather, they just remove the unhappiness from work; hence making the people work more comfortably. In other words, they are referred to as the hygiene factors. Business Plan Hut explains that there are many ways of motivating the employees and those monetary incentives are one of the many ways (para. ). With the concept of motivation well explained, there is the need to look at the definition and explanation of a bribe, so that a comparative analysis of the two can be carried out to show that monetary incentives and the bribe are one and the same. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a bribe is â€Å"money or favor given or compromised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust, or something that serves to induce or influence† (1). By bringing these two definitions together, that is the efinition of motivation by money and that of a bribe, it can be seen why this essay takes that monetary motivation is equivalent to a bribe. It comes out quite clearly that money is a major factor in bribing, just as it is when used as a motivation factor. The above explanations bring about a controversial issue as pertains to the issue of using money as a motivational factor. It is, therefore, quite important to look at the issue in more detail so as to come up with a solid argument as to whether money should be used as a motivation factor or not.The argument will be largely based on the definitions given, and will rely on the understanding of the writer as pertains to the issue of money and motivation. These factors will be explained in detail in the followin g section of the argument. Reasons for the Claim Below are some of the reasons as to why this paper holds that monetary incentives should not be used as a motivation factor within the workplace: 1. From the definitions given above, it can be seen that a bribe is a monetary incentive given to an individual so as to sway his decision or act in a given manner.In other words, it is practically buying an individual so that he can act in a manner that is in accordance with the desire of the individual giving the bribe. The same happens when an individual is given an incentive as a motivation factor. It is aimed at making the individual feel kind of obliged to give a particular service or deliver given results so as to get the incentive. By any means, this is a bribe in disguise, and should not be allowed at all since it leads to the corruption of morals within the organization. 2. Monetary motivation can be seen as a form of manipulation of the employees.This is where they are put in a po sition where they have to fulfill a particular requirement so that they can have the incentive. Practically, it is the kind of analogy where the employee plays the dangling carrot with the employees. The employees feel or assume that they are working hard so as to get a specific reward, while in the real sense; the employer is playing his cards so as to make the employees work even harder for him. The monetary gain seems so enticing for the employees that they work so hard just to get it, while all the time, the employer gets the lion’s share. The trick works in the exact manner as a bribe.Give something little and get much in return. 3. Monetary incentives can ruin or corrupt the morals within an organization. This can be seen in the cases where the employees understand that they have to achieve something or hit specific standards so that they can get the reward that is promised to them. As such, they can go to whichever ends so as to reach these standards, due to their need for the money. This works the same way as a bribe does. When people are bribed in order to do something, they have to make sure that they use whichever means possible to arrive at the expected result.Whether the means are wrong or right. In other words, there is total disregard of transparency or the ethics code of conduct. 4. Lastly, there is the fact that monetary incentive as a motivation factor can plant conflicts and unnecessary or unhealthy competition amongst the employees. It is well known that different people are motivated by different factors just as they are gifted differently. As such, when the rewards are given in terms of cash, there is a high possibility that those who get the reward work hard and continue delivering the results while those who do not get the reward are de-motivated.This works out exactly like a bribe. Some people are favored and others are not. Rivalry comes in within the organization and the performance is hindered. This caps the reasons as to why monetary motivation should be avoided. Therefore, there is always the other side of the coin in everything. In this case, there is another argument as concerns the use of monetary motivation, which tries to indicate that it should be allowed. The reasons are as stated below. i. First of all, it is acceptable that there are many ways of achieving a set goal. The same applies in the work place.When there is the need to motivate the employees, there are various methods that can be applied. The use of monetary incentives is just one of them. Therefore, there should be no hullaballoo as to why the monetary motivation is not used. In fact, monetary incentives hit the charts as one of the most effective ways of motivating the employees to achieve the goals of the industry, which puts the organization on the right track to achieving its overall objectives (Anon. , 1). ii. Just like in any other setting, it is agreeable that there are always the positive and the negative sides of any given act.As such, there are the advantages and the disadvantages of using monetary incentives as a form of motivation. As such, there is no need to demonize the act and term it as a bribe. Otherwise, if this was to be taken as the standard in different arguments, then a lot of activities would be written off since there would be the dark side in every single of them. In this case, the focus should be on the positives and the negatives, and whichever wins carries the day. Monetary motivation should not be ruled out even before it has been tried. iii.It is well known that in the business setting, the ultimate goal is to make profits and be the most competitive. This does not come all that easily since there are various hurdles that have to be overcome. Just like in any field, there have to be ways of going about these hurdles. When it comes to the employees, motivation, nothing seems to work out better then the use of the monetary incentives. As such there is no reason as to why this shoul d not be employed in the business setting. iv. Lastly, it can be said that the main reason as to why people seek for employment is so that they can make money.This means that they work hard so that they can achieve this goal. As such, it can be seen that the main reason as to why they are motivated is what they get from the employment. As such, when monetary incentives are used as a motivation factor, they do not come in as a bribe. Rather, they just indicate to the employees that their hard work is all that matters. The more you work, the more you get. Simple and clear. Decision After looking at the reasons and the arguments presented above, this paper goes in favor of the claim. It, therefore, agrees that the use of monetary gains as a motivation factor should not be encouraged in the work place.It is equitable to a bribe, which is ethically and morally wrong. The reasons for taking this stand are well explained in the section that follows. Rebuttals i. While it is acceptable that there are many ways of motivating the employees, it is also important to look at the various outcomes of the different strategies that are applied. In this case, it has been proven that the use of money as a motivation factor has quite a lot of disadvantages that put the organization’s integrity at risk. As such, there is no reason as to why this method should be chosen while there are others that deliver the same result but at a much lower risk.Business entails making wise decisions, and using monetary motivation does not pay out in this case (Burns, 1). ii. As already explained above, being in business entails looking at the prevailing situation, analyzing the benefits and demerits of a given decision then making a decision from this analysis. This calls for a very practical and critical mind that cannot be deceived by the face value of a deal that seems to be so good. For this reason, it is agreeable that the use of money as a motivation factor has its advantages and disa dvantages. After weighing both, it appears that the disadvantages are more.Why, then, should an organization take the risk while there are other safer ways of getting the work done? iii. It is commonly said and known that two wrongs do not make a right. In the business sense, it cannot be denied that there are the hurdles that have to be overcome. But just because the hurdles are there, it does not mean that anything passes as long as it aims at dealing with the hurdles. Rather, the spirit of doing things right should apply in this case. The hurdles should be overcome in a manner that does not create more problems. The methods used should be very ethical and straight. v. It is true that the reason as to why people seek employment is so they can make more money and live more comfortable lives. It is also true that people who get into crooked deals such as corruption, vandalism and embezzlement of funds also do so in a bid to make more money and live good lives as well. As such, this cannot be used as the reason fro using money as an incentive. After all, human wants are insatiable and money cannot quench them all. Instead of providing a shortcut to making more money, organizations and businesses should focus more on doing this in the right manner.Works Cited Anonymous. Employee Morale. Business Community, 2012. Web, 24th July 2012, http://www. ehow. com/employee-morale/ Bizhelp. Motivation in the Workplace. Bizhelp24. com, July 21, 2012. Web, 24th July 2012, http://www. bizhelp24. com/personal/employment-and-personal-development/motivation-in-the-workplace. html Burns, Gabriel. The Disadvantages of Extrinsic Motivation. Ehow. com, 2012. Web, 24th July 2012, http://www. ehow. com/list_6534932_disadvantages-extrinsic-motivation. html Business Plan Hut. Motivating Employees. Businessplanhut. com, 2012. Web,

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pinnacle Foods Ipo

Pinnacle Foods Inc. : Initial Public Offering MACKK Consulting Group BSAD 444. 20 April 1st, 2013 Company History Pinnacle Foods Group is a food packaging company specializing in shelf stable and frozen food categories. The company was formed in 1998 as Vlasic Foods International, acquiring several food-manufacturing brands such as Swanson TV dinners and Open Pit from the Campbell Soup Company. Pinnacle’s portfolio of iconic brands dates back in existence to the 1800s. The earliest brand owned by Pinnacle Foods, Armour Star, has existed since 1867 when Philip Armour founded it as Armour and Company.Armour was the first company to produce canned meat and was once Chicago’s most important business, helping to make the city and its stockyards the center of the American meatpacking industry. Throughout the late 1800s and 1900s, iconic brands such as Duncan Hines, Log Cabin, Aunt Jemima and Hungry Man were introduced and now are a part of the Pinnacle Foods name. Pinnacle F oods acquired Aurora Foods in 2003 when the company’s health was in jeopardy due to lawsuits in 2001.Ian Wilson, a former executive with Coco-Cola, founded Aurora Foods in 1995 using the company to purchase Van de Kamp Seafood from Pillsbury along with several other brands. As a result of major lawsuits in 2001, Wilson and other Aurora executives plead guilty to securities fraud for misrepresentation of the company’s financial statements. Jim Smith replaced Wilson as CEO of Aurora Foods until 2002, at which time motions were set in place that lead to Pinnacle’s acquisition of Aurora. Pinnacle closed Aurora’s Missouri offices and moved them to Cherry Hill, New Jersey where the currently remain.In 2007 The Blackstone Group, a New York City private equity firm, bought Pinnacle Foods for $2. 16 billion (G. S. , 2007). Since then, Pinnacle Foods has acquired Birds Eye Foods, Inc. , adding a mix of frozen and specialty brands to its already iconic portfolio. In dustry Overview * Ashley Company Overview Today Fortune Magazine ranks Pinnacle in the Top 1,000 Companies with over 4,000 employees. Pinnacle’s products can be found in more than 85% of American households and are leaders in their respective categories, holding the first or second market share position in 10 of the 12 of the categories in which they compete.Pinnacle currently focuses on growing their â€Å"leadership brands† while reinvigorating their â€Å"foundation brands†. Their leadership brands are those with the most potential for growth and innovation. These include brands such as Vlasic, Duncan Hines, and Ms. Butter-Worth’s. Pinnacle prides themselves on debuting category breakthroughs with these brands. These leading brands are used prominently in marketing campaigns that celebrate their robust vitality. Pinnacle’s foundation brands are those that have a strong and recognizable reputation in most households.Families already know and love these brands such as Aunt Jemima Frozen Breakfast, Open Pit, and Hungry-Man. Pinnacle strives to raise the bar with these familiar foods through new flavours and health benefits. Pinnacle must be innovative with these familiar brands to ensure they remain as popular as they currently are. Financial Overview Financially, Pinnacle has experienced minimal growth over the last year. Net sales increased marginally from $2. 47 billion in 2011 to $2. 48 billion in 2012 and in North America specifically, net sales grew a meager 1% from $2. 07 to $2. 08 billion.EBIT was $284 million in 2012, after giving effect to $66 million in pre-tax charges related to restructuring and refinancing. This restructuring also impacted net earnings, as Pinnacle had to pay $51 million in after-tax charges and was left with $53 million in net earnings. Despite these charges, this net income shows a strong recovery from 2011 when the company suffered a net loss of $47 million. Total capital expenditures were $7 8 million in 2012, down from $117 million in 2011. These expenditures include footprint consolidation. A summary of these figures can be seen below in Exhibit 1.Exhibit 1: Pinnacle Financial Statements It can be seen in Exhibit 1 that Pinnacle has a substantial amount of acquisition, merger and other restructuring charges. These charges are primarily related to Pinnacle closing facilities in Washington, New York, Wisconsin, and Delaware. A complete breakdown of these expenditures has been included in exhibit 2. Exhibit 2: Acquisition, merger, and other restructuring charges One of the problems that Pinnacle currently faces is their large amount of debt. They have roughly $550 million of a term loan that is due in 2014.This resulted in Pinnacle entering the market with a $300 million incremental term loan last year, dubbed F, with proceeds to be used to help repay the $550 million. Pinnacle has an additional $400 million E term loan that was syndicated earlier in 2012. This loan matu res in October 2018 and is covered by a 101 soft call premium until April 17, 2013. Proceeds from that deal were used to issue $199 million in 10. 625% subordinated notes due in 2017. Altogether Pinnacle has about $641 million outstanding under the extended term loan due in 2016 (Bisbey, 2012).This is one of the primary reasons for Pinnacle’s IPO, as will be discussed later in the report. The balance sheet below summarizes Pinnacle’s debt obligations as well as their assets and equity. Exhibit 3: Pinnacle’s Balance Sheet for 2011 and 2012 After performing a two-finger analysis of this balance sheet it can be concluded that Pinnacle has not made any drastic changes over the past two years. Assets have decreased slightly but that was coupled with a decrease in liabilities by roughly the same amount which is reasonable.Exhibit 4 is a portion of Pinnacle’s cash flow statement that helps explain these changes in the balance sheet. Pinnacle’s cash flows from financing increased 212% between 2011 and 2012, the vast majority of this expenditure being the repayment of debt. By making a number of loan repayments, Pinnacle decreased their cash and therefore their assets, while also reducing their liabilities. Exhibit 4: Cash Flows from Financing Activities Ratio| 2012| 2011| Return on Equity| 5. 9%| -5. 54%| Return on Assets| 1. 19%| -1. 05%| Return on Sales| 11. 46%| 7. 4%| Current Ratio| 2. 11| 2. 17|Quick Ratio| 1. 04| 1. 17| Debt-to-Equity Ratio| 3. 95| 4. 26| | | | Exhibit 5: 2012 Ratio Analysis of Pinnacle Group Inc. These ratios †¦ IPO The food-industry sector is changing due to increased globalization, vertical integration, and mergers and acquisitions. This is forcing many firms to look to alternatives to debt financing in order to keep up with the competition. The public equity market is a valuable option in financing the growth necessary to survive amongst competitors, as it offers access to more equity capital than coul d be attained from other sources (Stegelin & Houston, 2007).With millions of dollars in debt obligations coming up due in the next few years, it is understandable that Pinnacle is having an Initial Public Offering to raise capital. This follows suit with research that has shown that as a food-industry firm’s leverage ratio increases, the likelihood of an IPO increases as well (Stegelin & Houston, 2007). It has also been noted that the probability of a food-industry firm IPO decreases with the firm’s size and age (Stegelin & Houston, 2007). Pinnacle is currently 15 years old which is incredibly â€Å"young† compared to industry leaders Kraft and Kellogg which are both over 100 years old.This could be a contributing factor to why they are wanting to go public. This IPO will follow 13 other offerings in 2013 backed by financial sponsors such as private-equity firms. These 13 other offerings can be used to loosely predict the success of Pinnacle’s IPO, as Pin nacle is backed by private-equity firm Blackstone. These IPOs were successful, seeing an average first-day gain of 22% and are up an average of 21% from their listing dates. These results are promising in comparison to 30 other IPOs at large, showing an average 15% first-day gain and a gain of 19% from the listing dates (Driscoll, M. 2013). Another important benchmark is the IPOs of other food sellers. There were mixed results regarding the success of food seller IPOs in 2012. The health food sector showed strength with natural food companies Annie’s Inc. , Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage Inc. , and WhiteWave Foods Co. performing well since their IPOs. Annie’s shares have more than doubled since being listed last March while the value of Natural Grocers has risen over 40% since their listing in July (Driscoll, M. , 2013). On the other hand, Roundy’s Inc. and Amira Nature Foods Ltd. have underperformed since their IPOs.Roundy’s is a Midwestern supermark et chain and Amira is a rice seller, both of which are down about 20% from their offerings in October and February respectively (Driscoll, M. , 2013). Since Pinnacle offers processed, packaged foods, benchmarking their success from the natural, organic food IPOs is not very reliable. With people becoming more and more health conscious these days, it is not surprising that these health food companies found success in their IPOs. Although Pinnacle does carry the frozen vegetable brand Birdseye, they also carry a number of brands that would not be classified as healthy.Of the aforementioned companies, the most reliable comparison for Pinnacle would likely be with Roundy’s, the supermarket chain. Supermarkets sell a wide variety of processed and pre-packaged foods, and are the medium through which Pinnacle’s brands are sold. However, there is still not a strong correlation between the two firms. On March 27th, 2013, Pinnacle announced their Initial Public Offering of 29,00 0,000 shares of common stock at $20 per share. Pinnacle also granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase an additional 4,350,000 shares at the IPO price.It is estimated that Pinnacle will raise net proceeds of about $545. 2 million after subtracting underwriting costs. Pinnacle plans to use the entirety of these earnings to pay off some of their debt. They plan to redeem $465 million in aggregate principal amount of 9. 25% Senior Notes due in 2015 at a redemption price of 100%. The remainder of their IPO proceeds, along with some cash on hand, will be used to repay $119 million of the senior secured term loan B facility maturing in April 2014. IPO Success Pinnacle Foods had a very successful IPO on March 28, 2013.The company issued a total of 33,350,000 shares of common stock, including the entirety of the additional 4,350,000 shares that the underwriters had the option to purchase. Pinnacle now has a total of 117. 2 million common shares outstanding. Net of all underwritin g discounts, Pinnacle raised $627 million through this offering, which is $81. 8 million more than they had initially anticipated. Pinnacle will couple this money with $40 million of cash on hand to pay down $667 million in outstanding debt. Instead of their initial plans of repaying $119 million of their term loan B due next April, they will repay $202 million.Exhibit 6: Pinnacle Foods’ Stock Performance Since IPO as Compared to S&P 500 As can be seen in Exhibit 6, Pinnacle shares (blue line) seem to be experiencing steady growth since their IPO on March 28, 2013. This is especially positive since the S&P 500 (brown line) seems to be doing quite the opposite. Pinnacle shares have increased from their low of $22. 15 to a high of $24. 61, an 11% increase. References Driscoll, M. (2013, Mar 25). Pinnacle is hoping investors feel hungry. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/1319182111? accountid=13803 G. , S. S. (2007).Black stone Chows Down O n Pinnacle Foods Group. (cover story). High Yield Report, 18(7), 1-15. Stegelin, F. , & Houston, J. (2007). Factors Influencing the Initial Public Offering (IPO) Decision of Food Distribution Firms. Journal Of Food Distribution Research, 38(1), 215-216. Stratton, K. (2012). Pinnacle Foods Group Gets 55,000SF Update in Parsippany. National Real Estate Investor Exclusive Insight, 8. Bisbey, A. (2012). Pinnacle Foods Shopping $300M Incremental TL. High Yield Report, 23(34), 28. PRNewswire (2013, Apr 3). Pinnacle Foods Inc. Announces Successful Closing of its Initial Public Offering. ttp://investors. pinnaclefoods. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=223400&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1803206&highlight= PRNewswire (2013, Mar 6). Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC Reports Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2012 Results. http://investors. pinnaclefoods. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=223400&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1795035&highlight= Business Wire (2013, Mar 27). Pinnacle Foods Inc. Announces Pricing of its Initial Public Offering. http://i nvestors. pinnaclefoods. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=223400&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1801326&highlight= http://www. rttnews. com/2088372/pinnacle-foods-raises-net-proceeds-of-627-mln-i