Monday, December 30, 2019

The United States Vs. Nixon Case - 1428 Words

I have learned many interesting and informative topics in this course but the three topics that I found the most compelling are the United States vs. Nixon case, the Necessary and Proper Clause, and Social Security. The United States vs. Nixon case fascinated me because it involved one of our former presidents. In 1972, President Richard Nixon was running for a reelection against Senator George McGovern, a Democrat. During this campaign, the Watergate scandal began. This scandal brought down President Nixon and revealed many of his secrets during his administration. Five burglars broke into the Democratic Headquarters located in the Watergate building complex in Washington, D.C. This is where the democratic national committee was located along with their offices which contained democratic papers, private information associated with Senator George McGovern, the vice president nominees, and there were also many other confidential files. These burglars got caught and were arrested. The burglars were recognized by few people and they turned out to be associated with the White House. Many folks thought they worked for the White House or were paid to break into the Democratic Headquarters. Americans were starting to suspect President Nixon. President Nixon disregarded this and told the American people that he had nothing to do with this. Eventually Congress started to investigate the President. During the case hearing, someone revealed that President Nixon has tapes ofShow MoreRelatedSeparation Of Powers : A Principle Of The U.s. Government1528 Words   |  7 PagesJudicial branch they have the power to try federal cases and interpret the laws. As I continue in my paper I will discuss the different concepts that occur in the different branches, what each branch is responsible in doing as well as discuss different cases that follow into the different branches. 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In order to make the government dependent on the people again Citizens vs. United must be repealed, the mainstream media must be changed to report facts instead of operating like a business, and people must be more engaged in governance. It is incredibly easy for those with money to purchase political power. â€Å"It s perfectlyRead MoreWikileaks : Innocent Or Guilty?987 Words   |  4 Pageshow to the past and how this has all happened before in 1971 with the Pentagon Papers. It was Nixon vs. The New York Times. It was Nixon vs. Journalism. It’s shocking to think that basically what is happening right now has already happened, stolen government papers or information being leaked to the public via a commonly known media, but we know the ending to the Pentagon Papers . Journalism won and Nixon lost (Goodale). Now the real question is history going to repeat itself or is there a different

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Writing As A Form Of Communication - 938 Words

Writing is a form of communication that utilizes symbols to express an idea or thought. The earliest form of writing began with pictographs, which were symbols of objects used to portray an idea. Thus, writing started with the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, who carved the first known pictographs in stone in approximately 35000 BC. Eventually, the pictograph developed into phonetic writing, where the symbols no longer just expressed an idea, but rather a sound. This development was a significant one, as information could now reach new audience’s, distant from its original source and unrestrained by it. Hence, phonetic writing coincided with the creation of writing systems such as the Alphabet. However, what makes writing and all forms of communication distinct is that they are necessary for cultural innovation, which is in turn necessary for the advancement of mankind. With phonetically written information it became easy to spread ideas and keep more detailed records of not only agr iculture, but of populations and religious texts. Moreover, writing eventually came to be a symbol of status. If a person was literate, they were most likely a scribe or a member of the privileged class. In this way, literacy became a distinction of where you belonged in society. An example of this can be seen in America where slaves were not allowed to be able to read or write. Slave masters feared that their literacy would make a slave incompetent due to the fact they would be able to become aware ofShow MoreRelated The Evolution of Writing as an Important Form of Communication2953 Words   |  12 Pagesprocess of writing starts to take shape, an idea must be developed and contemplated. The underlying question at the beginning of this process is, Why am I writing? For many, the initial response would be for a job, a grade, or to prove a point. On a basic level, however, animals behave according to two influences: instinct or experience; humans, since they are animals, are no di fferent. There is a debate over whether humans write because it is in their genetic code or because writing is a usefulRead MoreWriting Is The Most Important Form Of Communication We Humans Have953 Words   |  4 PagesWriting is the most important form of communication we humans have. Writing has conveyed our ways of life, our stories, and our discoveries. For someone to say that writing is not important is extremely foolish. If people don’t learn to properly write what they are trying to say, it will be lost to the person trying to read. My father thinks that it isn’t important to improve my writing skills, says that there’s no need to if people can get the gist of what I’m trying to say. He is dead wrong;Read More The Power Of Writing Essay995 Words   |  4 PagesThe Power Of Writing When I entered this class I didn’t think that we would be discussing the concept of writing. In fact, I never thought the concept of writing was that complicated enough to be discussed in a classroom setting. However, as demonstrated throughout history different forms of communication, such as writing, have shaped and evolved human interaction and invoked societal change. For example, in Walter Ong’s essay, â€Å"Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought,† Ong acknowledgesRead MoreDr. Shamis s Website And Credentials Stood Out The Most977 Words   |  4 PagesJersey and Pennsylvania (B. Shamis, personal communication, July 6, 2016)† He then explained the types of therapies he is proficient in, his educational background, and how he formed his practice. Once rapport was established with Dr. Shamis the rest of the interview focused on writing within the social sciences. The next question asked of Dr. Shamis was â€Å"Compared to your undergraduate studies, was there a significant increase in the amount of writing expected from you upon the entrance of graduateRead MoreWriting Is The Art Of Discovering What You Believe880 Words   |  4 PagesWriting is a unique language comprehended through the specific kind of symbols, alphabets, gestures, and other type of styles which creates the astounding language called writing. Writing is a style in which a writer expresses their own writing skills and experiences. Writing creates a gateway to escape life and form a new life in their own fictional world; a world in which the writers wants them to live their life. It also makes writers feel free of every life problems and help them become themselvesRead MoreExpository Writing : Writing, Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive, And Narrative757 W ords   |  4 Pagesprobably not going to a job interview. Just like anything else, writing has different expressions. Writing is a form of communication; the person is writing to inform, persuade, describe, or tell a story. There are four main types of writing styles, expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. We then choose what we want to read according to our interest in each category. Let’s look at expository writing. Expository writing is usually developed around one topic and is used to describe orRead MoreHow Writing Is The Art Of Discovering What You Believe884 Words   |  4 PagesWriting is a language comprehended through the understanding of symbols, alphabets, and other form styles that completes the language called writing. Writing is a style in which a writer expresses their way of writing skills. Writing is a gateway to escape real life and make a new life the way a writer wants them to live their life. It also makes writers feel free and become themselves. 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Although speech and writing are the main modes of language, both are not always used. Speech and writing serve different purposes and can be understood by examining important differences between the two. The purpose of this report is to outline the differences between speech and writing in different contexts. The FunctionsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1396 Words   |  6 Pagespossess some form of an electronic device that is capable of accessing social media, rather it be Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and many more. â€Å"Technology’s rampant popularization over the past decade in terms of social media has meant that texting, Facebook, and Twitter have inevitable taken over as the most efficient ways of communicating with each other.† (Jones) From children of young age, to our elders, people of all ages have the potential to gain access to multiple forms of social media

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Place Of Woman In A Society Free Essays

There are two main pillars of human life-man and woman. Both share equal responsibility in the making of society and hence both are supplement to each other. But from the very beginning, there has been a big question mark on the status of women in our society. We will write a custom essay sample on Place Of Woman In A Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now All talk of their role and responsibility but none care for their position. They have been exploited and ill-treated right from the beginning of the creation. But the reality is something else. Women have been put behind walls from ages. Sati Pratha is the bitter truth which shows to what extent our women folk have been exploited. Child marriage and a contemptuous attitude towards the widows are other examples of woman-exploitation. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first who raised voice against these unhealthy systems prevalent in Indian society. He took up the cause of the women and worked hard to abolish ‘Sati Pratha. ‘ It was due to his courageous work that Indian women dared to come out of Purdah. They got education which provided them opportunities to develop themselves at all levels. And in due course they surpassed the men. Today we see women in every field. They are marching shoulder to shoulder in every walk of life. Apart from teaching school children, women are now pilots, receptionists, police officers, doctors, engineers etc. The elevation in the status of the women sometimes creates confusion among us that Sita and Draupadi have born in the The previous condition was due to the lack of education but now the spread of education among women has same country. completely changed the scenario. They are occupying key positions in almost every field of society. Our country is progressing in this way no doubt. But sometimes it appears that over ­exposure of women is a suicidal attack for our future. On the one hand we are not still ready to forget the image of Sita and Savitri and on the other we are tempted to watch the over ­exposed movies on TV screen with the little kids of our family. Our modern progressive girls are imitating the fashion very fast which is still not acceptable in our society. As a result it creates a lot of problems and crime for which this over-exposure is responsible. It must not be provocative. We must allow women to stand by themselves but they should also be learnt our culture and civilization. â€Å"The hands that rock the cradle the world. † – Napoleon Bonaparte How to cite Place Of Woman In A Society, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Personal Toolkit for Critiquing Research Articles

Question: Discuss about thePersonal Toolkit for Critiquing Research Articles. Answer: Introduction In response to the research articles, the following questions can be used to interrogate the research article; Why am I reading the article? What do I know about the subject? How do various chapters relate to the research topic? How can what the text convey relate to my livelihood experience? After reading the article, the following questions can be asked; Did I understand the principle as per the argument? Did I identify the most important points? Are there gaps relating to the article? Strategies Strategically, critical reading of a research article begins by being selective. Being selective means the reader should select the best text out of the research report. By becoming selective, the user must start by identifying what he or she is searching for. After the identification, examination of the contents page becomes quite easy. After selecting the content page, speed-reading then follows to absorb the overall impression about the research topic. Speed-reading helps in knowing the areas in search; areas, chapters of sections which are most relevant are identified for thorough reading while areas of less relevance are ignored. The main aim of speed reading is to determine what the research article is talking about but not to understand the entire article. Besides this strategy, SQ3R can also be used. SQ3R comprises of surveying, questioning, reading, recalling, and reviewing. Survey is about speed-reading (Taslidere, and Eryilmaz, 2012). Under the question, the text is keenly observed and questions extracted out of it, which are then used as guidelines for reading. With the questions, the reading is changed to active pursuit from passive (Roberts et al., 2012). Some of the possible questions while reading a research article seek to answer the importance of reading the specific piece of writing, what is known about the subject, how various chapters relate to the research question and how what is read can be linked to a real life experience. The next subject is Read, which entails reading the main research article. Reading involves careful consideration of the meaning drawn from the paper. Therefore, it both involves being active and critical at the same time. In the recall, what had been read is traced back. Lastly, a review of the article is taken to ensure that the text has been understood. Article 1: What is Validity and why Does it Matter in Research? Like any other research article, reading this piece of writing begins by tracing the answers for the purpose of reading it, tracing what had already been acquired relating to the article, the relationship of various chapters within the paper and how the entire text relate to the worldly experience. Through speed-reading, the purpose of reading the article is drawn as knowing the actual meaning of validity and identify its importance in research. While relating the research topic and what had been acquired earlier, it is observed that efficacy related directly to research. Selection of critical areas then follows. Here, the heading, four types of validity and the importance of validity are selected as the main parts of the research article (Psucd8, 2011). Other segments are the threats to internal validity and the relationship between validity and reliability (Convery et al., 2015). The heading notifies the reader about the general picture of the article. It defines validity as the degree upon which the study under interrogation measures the intended item. Coming to types, face, concurrent, predictive and construct validity are identified as some of the types of validity. According to the article, threats to validity includes testing effect and biases of instruments. It is also stated that there is various importance of validity. Some of them are ensuring efficient use of results and gives directions on how to control threats to validity (Convery et al., 2015). Finally, the article related validity to reality in that; both of them are independent concepts in research. They also determine a good study. These areas of the research components relate in that; each one of them brings a vivid picture of validity and its importance. Relating to practical experience, efficacy makes any story valid. To ensure that the article is well understood, the main principles and p oints such as the types of validity are recalled by reading the article again but faster. Article 2: Exploring Reliability in Academic Assessment Just like in article one, the quick step in reading is speed-reading. This passage intends to determine the worthiness of the article, familiarizing with it, identifying the various chapters and relating them. As defined by the title, the purpose of reading this paper is to understand the meaning of validity and exploring it in academic assessment. According to the article, reliability is a degree where an evaluation equipment provides a consistence and stable results. Various components of the article are types of reliability, validity, and types of validity. Test-retest parallel forms, inter-rater, and internal consistency is identified under the types of validity section (Sijtsma, 2015). Talking about validity, the paper states that it is the appropriateness of taking the intended measurements by a test. It is also noted that there are many types of validity. They include constructing validity, face, sampling, formative and criterion-related validity (Phelan and Wren, 2005). To relate the research article with what had been learned earlier, it is evident that reliability is directly linked to validity. While validity ensures that tool used to take measurements measure must make sure that the intended subject is measures, security provides that such measurements must be consistency and stable (Wladis and Samuels, 2016). Therefore, validity depends on reliability to remain valid. Apparently, various chapters of the article relate. For instance, the types of reliability are all linked to reliability itself, just like the components of validity. To a worldly experience, reliability is widely applied in learning institutions to determine the level of knowledge acquired by use of tests (Ackerman and Educational Testing Service, 2014). To sum up, the article is read again but fast to recall main points. Such points are types of reliability comprising of test-retest parallel forms, inter-rater, and internal consistency. References Ackerman, D. J., Educational Testing Service, P. C. (2014). State-Funded PreK Policies on External Classroom Observations: Issues and Status. Policy Information Report. Educational Testing Service, Convery, E., Keidser, G., Seeto, M., Yeend, I., Freeston, K. (2015). Factors Affecting Reliability and Validity of Self-Directed Automatic in Situ Audiometry: Implications for Self-Fitting Hearing Aids. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26(1), 5-18. doi:10.3766/jaaa.26.1.2 Psucd8. (2011).What is validity and why is it important inresearch? Just another site. Derived from Phelan, C., Wren, J., (2005).Exploring reliability in academic assessment. UNI. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Reliability%20and%20Validity.html Roberts, K. D., Takahashi, K., Park, H., Stodden, R. A. (2012). Supporting Struggling Readers in Secondary School Science Classes. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 44(6), 40-48. Sijtsma, K. (2015). Delimiting Coefficient from Internal Consistency and Unidimensionality. Educational Measurement: Issues Practice, 34(4), 10-13. Taslidere, E. Eryilmaz, A. (2012). The Relative Effectiveness of Integrated Reading Study Strategy and Conceptual Physics Approach. Research in Science Education, 42(2), 181-199. Wladis, C., Samuels, J. (2016). Do online readiness surveys do what they claim? Validity, reliability, and subsequent student enrollment decisions. Computers Education, 9839-56. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2016.03.001